
The Biodiversity Futures Initiative was formed in June 2023 out of a NERC and SERC funded research group at Nottingham University that are researching the science underpinning biodiversity credits. There are so many new developments in MRV techniques (e.g. AI identification of images and sounds, eDNA etc) which combined with more traditional wildlife surveys (e.g. Pollard surveys for butterflies, Malaise trapping and sweep net surveys for arthropods, territory mapping for breeding birds etc.) could revolutionise the speed at which claims for biodiversity gain could be quantified.

Most research groups only have access to a few example projects, but the information gathered from projects submitted to the Biodiversity Futures Initiative (subject to agreement from the applicants and suitably anonymized) could identify best practice in the field of quantifying biodiversity gain for different habitat types, or of different MRV and analysis approaches.  We are hoping the participating scientists and project developers will pool their information so there are hundreds of examples from many of the 1500+ ecoregions around the world of how biodiversity can be quantified.  Collaborations between participating scientists could then lead to multiple publications on best practice.

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